A masterfully atmospheric neo-noir crime thriller, boasting an all-star cast including Nick Nolte, Melanie Griffith, John Malkovich and Jennifer Connelly. Set in the 1950's, an LA special crime unit investigates the mysterious murder of a young woman discovered in the desert. The detective leading the case has his own agenda and secrets however, as it's revealed the victim is his ex-mistress, and her friend is still holding the evidence of their affair...
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My Father Die
In this dark and original thriller, Asher (Joe Anderson), deaf and mute since having his hearing knocked out at the age of 12, has been training for almost two decades, to avenge himself of Ivan Rawlings (Gary Stretch), the man that killed his older brother, 21 years ago. Now that his nemesis is ...
Sleepless Night
Vincent (Tomer Sisley) is a cop with connections to a vicious criminal underworld. He and his partner steal a batch of cocaine from a powerful drug baron, but Vincent is identified in the heist. The gangsters kidnap Vincent's son to hold him hostage until he returns their stolen goods, but he no ...