A hard hitting, electrifying Mafia thriller from acclaimed director Stefano Sollima (Gomorrah, Romanzo Criminale), 'Suburra' takes place over seven days leading up to an ‘Apocalypse’ as a crime boss, known as 'Samurai', is instructed by the Mafia to use his influence to help turn the waterfront of Rome into a new leisure district. As the countdown draws to a close, secrets are quickly unravelled as dangerous and powerful gangsters become caught in the crossfire. As the city begins to crumble, all those involved must choose to sink or swim by betraying those closest to them.
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The Forger
A thief works with his father and son to forge a painting by Monet and steal the original. Together, they plan the heist of their lives.
The Guest
'The Bourne Identity' meets 'The Terminator' - from the writer and director of 'You're Next' comes the coolest film of the year: a big, bold and badass thriller with a stellar 80's soundtrack and the perfect balance of explosive action and wit. Dan Stevens (Downton Abbey, Beauty and the Beast) st...
Transporter 3
Jason Statham returns as former Special Forces mercenary Frank Martin who has relocated to Paris to continue his business of delivering packages without questions. Only this time someone else is making up the rules as Frank faces a race against time to safely deliver his latest consignment. From ...