A classic American gangster tale with echoes of 'The Godfather', this seductive thriller, set in New York during the winter of 1981, follows one man's determined battle to build his business in the midst of corruption and mob rule. As they attempt to capitalise on opportunities during the most dangerous year in the city's history, the rampant violence, decay, and corruption of the day drag them in and threaten to destroy all they have built.
Up Next in Drama
Death and The Maiden
A powerful psychological thriller from directorial master Roman Polanski, Sigourney Weaver stars as Paulina Escobar, an activist who has suffered unspeakable horror in her past. After a chance encounter with a charming stranger (Oscar-winner Ben Kingsley), Paulina - convinced that she has finally...
Golden Globe-winner Ryan Gosling stars as a mysterious Hollywood stunt performer who moonlights as a getaway driver-for-hire in the criminal underworld. Discovering that a contract has been put on him after a job to aid the husband of his beautiful neighbour, Irene, goes dangerously awry, the onl...
Eli and Daniel, two Korean American brothers who own a struggling women's shoe store, have an unlikely friendship with 11-year-old Kamilla. On the first day of the 1992 L.A. riots, the trio must defend their store—and contemplate the meaning of family, their personal dreams and the future.