Action-comedy Hot Tamale offers a wacky spin on the crime-drama thriller. Harlan (Tori Spelling's younger brother, Randy Spelling) leaves his Wyoming hometown for the bright lights of Los Angeles. But Harlan soon finds himself thrust into the L.A. underworld when an encounter with a charismatic jewel thief (Jason Priestley - Medium) makes him the unwitting recipient of a stolen cache of diamonds and the subsequent target of an eccentric parade of hit men and femmes fatales, including Riley (Carmen Electra - I Want Candy). With only the sexy Tuesday (Diora Baird - Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning) as his accomplice, can Harlan find his way out of this mess?
Up Next in Drama
A hard hitting, electrifying Mafia thriller from acclaimed director Stefano Sollima (Gomorrah, Romanzo Criminale), 'Suburra' takes place over seven days leading up to an ‘Apocalypse’ as a crime boss, known as 'Samurai', is instructed by the Mafia to use his influence to help turn the waterfront ...
The Devil's Double
Baghdad, the playground for the rich and infamous, where anything can be bought - but for a price. Latif (Dominic Cooper) is taken to see his former schoolmate Uday (also played by Cooper), eldest son to Saddam Hussein. Latif is told that a great honour had been bestowed upon him: because of the ...