A masterfully atmospheric neo-noir crime thriller, boasting an all-star cast including Nick Nolte, Melanie Griffith, John Malkovich and Jennifer Connelly. Set in the 1950's, an LA special crime unit investigates the mysterious murder of a young woman discovered in the desert. The detective leading the case has his own agenda and secrets however, as it's revealed the victim is his ex-mistress, and her friend is still holding the evidence of their affair...
Up Next in Drama
Julianne Moore (The Forgotten) is Dr. Cara Harding, an esteemed psychologist who specialises in multiple personality disorders, but nothing has prepared her for a new patient, Adam (Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, The Tudors). The more she unearths about Adam, the more her life and those closest to her are...
The Devil's Double
Baghdad, the playground for the rich and infamous, where anything can be bought - but for a price. Latif (Dominic Cooper) is taken to see his former schoolmate Uday (also played by Cooper), eldest son to Saddam Hussein. Latif is told that a great honour had been bestowed upon him: because of the ...
The Loveless
Set in the fifties, a group of bikers on their way to the Florida Cycle Races stop for lunch in a small-town diner while repairs are being made on their motorcycles. Their macho leader, Vance (Willem Dafoe) flirts with the waitress while his buddies sit emanating menace in their attire and demean...